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Давнее пророчество геологи обнаружили в окраинах Петербуга.
Известным провидящим был написан суть секретного древнего предсказания которое относится Российской Федерации. В текстах говорится что государство Россия ждут 3 войны, они будут затратные для обычных людей. В первых двух войнах государство Россия отпразднует победу. государство Россия получит силу, но через более чем 50 лет после второй победы Российское государство разделится на куски. Правитель крупнейшей части не сможет это принять и после двадцати лет находясь во власти, будет создавать решения о восстановлении стран. Это станет крахом для страны. Первым делом он захватит море и именует это значащей победой, пройдет немного времени он изъявит желание присоединить сушу. Это даст им только смерти, воины великой державы будут погибать в другом государстве, а для мировых государств Русское государство станет проказой которую нужно удалить. Только гибель правителя спасти народ. Что выберет народ!
Purpose of the individual
Each generation sees itself as completely different from the previous one, but in the end is about the same.
If I look at my life, I see that I have been wrong many times.
The same will happen to you when you grow up. Gain experience and make mistakes. This is life.
Don't think you can be perfect - that's not possible.
Temper yourself, your character, so that when the test comes, you can meet him like a real man.
Do not let yourself be deceived by pathos truths and ringing phrases.
Travel around the world, get to know the world, get to know people, do something that develops you, fall in love, do audacity, but do it with enthusiasm.
The most important thing is to live life with taste.
Perhaps there is more than one life waiting for you. But to get them, you need to spend this life entirely. Take everything you can from life.
Beware of boring fate.
If I look at my life, I see that I have been wrong many times.
The same will happen to you when you grow up. Gain experience and make mistakes. This is life.
Don't think you can be perfect - that's not possible.
Temper yourself, your character, so that when the test comes, you can meet him like a real man.
Do not let yourself be deceived by pathos truths and ringing phrases.
Travel around the world, get to know the world, get to know people, do something that develops you, fall in love, do audacity, but do it with enthusiasm.
The most important thing is to live life with taste.
Perhaps there is more than one life waiting for you. But to get them, you need to spend this life entirely. Take everything you can from life.
Beware of boring fate.
Are you 18? Come in and don't be shy!
Wisdоm is a mixture of expеriеnсe, сourage and intеlligеnсe
Wе tend tо think оf great thinkеrs аnd innоvators as soloists, but the truth is that the greatest innоvаtivе thinking dоesn't occur in a vacuum. Innovаtiоn results frоm cоllаbоration.